Release Notes

0.2.0 (13th April 2015)

  • Official, tested, support for Django 1.7 and 1.8;
  • Switched to py.test for testing;
  • Removed version checks (the ability to compare versions of currently installed libraries vs what’s available on PyPI) - the checks were a bit hacky, since there’s not a common API for determining the version of a given app that’s installed, and it wasn’t much use in practice.

0.1.6 (27th July 2013)

  • Tests and minor fix to ensure djohno works with the upcoming release of Django 1.6 (webmaster@localhost became a valid email address in django.core.validators.validate_email in Django 1.6).
  • Slightly improved tests (back to 100% coverage).
  • Added classifiers to

0.1.5 (23rd July 2013)

  • Added images to documentation and to show what djohno looks like.
  • Made layout responsive, so it behaves better at lower screen sizes.
  • Made the mail view initially just display information about email settings, with a separate @require_POST view for actually sending the email.
  • Slightly nicer styling of headings in templates.

0.1.4 (19th July 2013)

  • Also include sys.path in the versions page.
  • Add margin to the table of app versions.
  • Added a favicon for the djohno views.
  • Added a convenient handler500 method which includes STATIC_URL, and include information on how to configure your project to use it in the default 500.html template.
  • Attempt to identify what the latest version number for apps is in the versions page, and highlight apps that are out of date.

0.1.3 (17th July 2013)

  • Change the 500 view to just raise an exception djohno.views.DjohnoTestException, so that we actually activate the error logging stuff correctly.

0.1.2 (15th July 2013)

  • Test re-organising (separated view tests and utility tests), added test descriptions.
  • Better styles for buttons (based on Flat UI, from
  • Added a “versions” view to see versions of apps in INSTALLED_APPS (similar to, and based on, the versions panel in Django Debug Toolbar).

0.1.1 (29th June 2013)

  • Fix the email address the test email is sent from, add checking that it’s a valid email address, and encourage users to set DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL to a friendly address (Your Name <>);
  • Ensure has a short and a long description;
  • Improved documentation.

0.1.0 (27th June 2013)

  • Initial release